понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

bitter fruit novel

For some reason that I do not know of.... I didnapos;t sleep last night T_T I wanted to sleep (oh god how I WANTED to sleep...) and my eyes were heavy and firmly closed, but I didnapos;t actually drop off to sleep at any point�;_;�Then it got to about 5am and I started thinking apos;Oh god, I only have like 2 hours left before I�have to get up for work... Must sleep nowapos; ...which... Didnapos;t help at all -_-

Now Iapos;m sat here at my desk and absolutely shattered. I�have the whole week ahead to last through and a horrifically boring training session this morning that would�cause even the most awake of people to drop off D:�

How will I�manage?� T_____T

behavior in cats, bitter fruit novel, bitter fruit kinzer, bitter fruit dangor, bitter fruit by achmat dangor, bitter fruit book.

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